Pengertian Contract Must Not Be Contrary to the Public Policy


    Pengertian Contract Must Not Be Contrary to the Public Policy: Understanding the Concept and Its Implications

    A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties that outlines the terms and conditions of their relationship. However, not all contracts are valid or enforceable under the law. One of the key principles that govern the validity of a contract is the principle of “public policy.” In this article, we will explore the concept of “pengertian contract must not be contrary to the public policy” and its implications for contract validity.

    Pengertian Contract Must Not Be Contrary to the Public Policy: What Does It Mean?

    The phrase “pengertian contract must not be contrary to the public policy” is a legal principle that essentially means that a contract cannot violate the principles of public policy. Public policy refers to the overall social, economic, and moral values that are deemed important by society. In other words, if a contract goes against the values and beliefs that are held by society, it may be deemed invalid or unenforceable.

    For instance, a contract that involves illegal activities, such as drug trafficking or human trafficking, would be considered contrary to public policy and would not be enforceable under the law. Similarly, a contract that promotes discrimination or violates labor laws may also be considered invalid.

    Implications of Pengertian Contract Must Not Be Contrary to the Public Policy

    The principle of pengertian contract must not be contrary to the public policy has several implications for contract validity. For one, it ensures that contracts do not violate the fundamental values and beliefs of society. This helps to protect vulnerable individuals and groups from exploitation or discrimination.

    Moreover, this principle helps to ensure that the law is not used to legitimize illegal or unethical activities. In cases where a contract is deemed contrary to public policy, parties may face legal consequences, such as fines or imprisonment.

    At the same time, the principle of pengertian contract must not be contrary to the public policy also serves to limit the freedom of contract. Individuals may not be able to enter into contracts that they would otherwise want to, if those contracts violate public policy. However, this limitation is seen as necessary to protect the greater good of society.


    In conclusion, the concept of pengertian contract must not be contrary to the public policy is an important principle that governs the validity of contracts. It ensures that contracts do not violate the fundamental values and beliefs of society and helps to protect vulnerable individuals and groups from exploitation or discrimination. While it may limit the freedom of contract, it is seen as necessary to protect the greater good of society. As such, it is important for individuals and businesses to ensure that their contracts are in line with public policy to avoid legal consequences.